Antoinne’s Story

Blind and left at an orphanage

Antoinne was born with bilateral cataracts and struggled to see. He needed a simple surgery to restore his sight, but the surgery never came. Antoinne’s mom died when he was only five months old, and his relatives didn’t know what to do with a child who could barely see.

After a few months, they left Antoinne in front of the local orphanage. He was only a year old – a little boy left in a strange place with no familiar voices. By this time, Antoinne was permanently blind.

The workers at the orphanage found Antoinne outside their doors. He was all alone.

Until he met Uga.

Uga met Antoinne at the orphanage and decided that she was going to adopt him.

“I took him to stay with me. He is just an innocent child.”


Her family wasn’t happy with her decision. They didn’t think she should adopt a child who is blind, but Uga didn’t let their opinions stop her.

Thanks to Hope and Healing International supporters like you, Hope and Healing’s partner in Cameroon was able to connect Antoinne to a school for kids who are blind so he can achieve his full potential.

Antoinne’s teacher describes him as “an intelligent and promising star,” and Antoinne says that he wants to study hard and become a braille typist in the future.

Antoinne’s future is completely different because of Uga and because of the support he’s received through Hope and Healing’s friends.

It’s amazing to see how generous legacy gifts from kind donors like you can transform lives in Jesus’ name.

Wilson’s Story

Rayan’s Story