Colette Brodie

colette brodie

Colette Brodie remembers her husband’s many stories about World War II. Bill Brodie joined the Royal Canadian Air Force when he was in his 20s and flew out to Ireland to begin his service.

“I was very proud of him for being part of the war. I think he was very brave.”

And that bravery was tested time and again as he protected allied forces against German submarines, only to come back to empty beds in the barracks after more of his friends and fellow pilots had been shot down.

Bill told Colette one particularly heart-stopping story. Their plane’s single engine began to fail and the whole crew prepared to jump. “He was right on the edge of the door, and he had his gear on to jump. He said his heart was in his mouth, but he was praying. And just before he was ready to jump, the engine picked up again and they were alright… That was a close call.”

BillBill’s discipline and courage served him well in the war. He would say how glad he was that he survived. Then Colette would tell him, “You had to survive. The Lord had a job for you. He wanted you to look after me.” That always made the two of them laugh.

Colette’s words speak volumes about the love and friendship Bill and Colette had together. They could have met on the streets of Ireland in her hometown when he was stationed there during WWII. Instead, they met over 20 years later in Canada. “It was all meant to be… when I look back and think of my life, how it has changed, what I have done, it’s amazing.”

Bill passed away eight years ago. “I miss him so much,” Colette said. “He was a good guy. He made a huge difference in my life.”

And Bill isn’t the only one who has made a life-changing difference.

Each month, Colette supports children living in poverty with a disability and makes sure they get the vital medical care they need.

“There are so many children with disabilities and nobody to help them,” she says. That’s why she decided to support kids through Hope and Healing International. “They’re doing so much for all these poor children and doing a wonderful job.”

And Colette knows that she isn’t only giving children the treatment they need.

Medical care gives them their self-confidence…it makes a big difference.”

Colette wants to be part of that for years to come. Colette said that she decided to leave a gift in her Will to Hope and Healing International, “So that I can keep helping children because I don’t have any children of my own. So they could be my children and I can help them that way.”

Colette is leaving a legacy of deep kindness and selflessness – one that will heal the bodies and hearts of vulnerable children in need. One that will give these beautiful kids a brighter future filled with hope.

She and her husband are similar that way. Bill served his country for a hope-filled future for the kids of Canada, and Colette is making sure that no child is left behind in countries like Uganda and Malawi.

Together, they’ve left a powerful legacy of love in the world. And their courage and love will impact generations to come.

You can transform lives for years to come when you remember Hope and Healing International in your Will. It’s easy to arrange, and our friendly staff would be pleased to help you. Your future gift will make a world of difference to children and families who live in poverty with disability.

You can join Colette Brodie and remember Hope and Healing International with your own legacy of love. It’s easy to arrange and our friendly staff would be pleased to help you. Your future gift will make a world of difference to children and families living in poverty with disabilities.
For more information about a leaving a gift in your Will to Hope and Healing International, please fill out our Request for Information form or call us at 1.800.567.2264.

Your request for information is confidential and will not obligate you to make a gift.

Donald and Laurie Wardley
laurie smith
Laurie Smith