
Rayan’s Story

From clouded vision to sight restored


Rayan’s sweet smile and jovial spirit light up a room. This energetic little boy loves playing with his older brother and the kids in his village. But before he turned 3, blue clouds formed in his eyes, and his mom, Viola, noticed that Rayan kept his eyes closed and only opened them in dim light. Kids started to avoid Rayan, afraid of his strange, cloudy eyes.

Rayan was diagnosed with glaucoma – an incurable eye disease that can lead to blindness if left unmanaged. For little Rayan, this disease caused growing pressure in his eyes. Without treatment and follow-up care, he would eventually go blind.

The news devastated Viola, who had already taken her son for two eye surgeries at a government hospital. Unable to afford a third, she worried that her son would lose his sight.

Villagers started asking questions about Rayan’s health. Viola was desperate to get care for her son and begged family and friends for help, but no one could afford to help.

I ask[ed] God that it [would] be the last time that he is being operated. I want him to get well so he can go to school.


Just as she began to lose hope, a friend told Viola about Hope and Healing  International’s partner eye clinic. She took Rayan for an assessment and was amazed to learn that the hospital would provide his surgery, without cost to her!

Thanks to a supporter like you, this little boy can see the world clearly! Rayan received surgery and now goes for regular check-ups to monitor the pressure in his eyes.

With the blue clouds gone, Rayan can play outside with friends and go to school. The surgery prevented a lifetime of blindness and opened the door for this little boy to dream big dreams and become all God created him to be.

When you leave a legacy gift in your Will, you make a sight-saving difference in the life of a child like Rayan. Your support of Hope and Healing International – now and in the future – can change the course of a child’s life, giving them new opportunities and new hope.

Rayan’s story is yet another example of how your gifts to Hope and Healing International transform lives. Thank you for your ongoing support.


Kenward’s Story


Jackline’s Story