Thank you – the kids LOVED your notes!

Last year, some kind Canadians like you sent notes to encourage Sumaya, Shakulu and Sheilah – three amazing kids who had just completed our Resilience Program in Uganda. 

Kendra from Hope and Healing International had the pleasure of travelling to Uganda to watch these beautiful kids cross the stage as they graduated from our program.  

While there, she gave each child the pages and pages of your prayers, encouragements and well-wishes. See how your act of kindness brought hope and heart healing to these three resilient kids. 

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Brian is 12 years old and was born with bilateral clubfoot, limiting his mobility. He lives with his grandma, who told us that Brian struggles with low self-esteem. He is often excluded and mocked for his disability. His new crutches help him move around while he heals from surgery and regains strength in his foot. He joined the Resilience Program to grow in his confidence and self-worth.


Josephine is 14 years old and was born with spina bifida. She lives with her mom, but her dad abandoned her because of her disability. With physiotherapy sessions, Josephine has started to walk but still faces mocking from her neighbours. She hopes to learn how to be brave and confident. She wants to study hard, graduate from university, and become a hairdresser like her mom.


Wilson is 7 years old and lives with his dad. He has burn contractures on his foot. He likes playing hide and seek with his friends. He is in school and loves colouring, as well as reading and writing. He even wrote out his answers for us! Wilson successfully graduated from our Resilience Program, and wants other kids with disabilities to know they’re just like other children.

How does it work?

Your notes, prayers and well wishes will spur these amazing kids on as they take the lessons they’ve learned and put them into action, after graduation and beyond. Words of encouragement from kind friends like you remind these beautiful kids that they’re accepted, valued and have a bright future.Your act of kindness will mean the world to these courageous kids and give them an extra dose of hope and heart healing. 

Healing Hearts, Building Resilience

Our Resilience Program gives kids with disabilities the tools and heart-healing they need to thrive in their communities. It highlights the value and worth God has placed inside all kids – and it’s been working!  

Through fun exercises, thoughtful reflection and practical instruction, this program gives kids with disabilities the tools they need to rise above stigma and barriers, and the confidence to live out the abundant life that Jesus wants for them.  

And thanks to you, children with disabilities are gaining confidence, forming friendships and playing with their peers! These kids are starting to see just how wonderful and packed with potential they are.  

We heard from some of the resilient kids who graduated from the program, and they were eager to share what they’ve learned! They told us,

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Thank you for seeing these beautiful kids for who they really are – intentionally created and uniquely made by God. You’re giving them the chance to see themselves the way Jesus sees them. 

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