Care from the community to the hospital
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Our health partner in Cameroon is one of the largest service providers in the country with 7 general hospitals and 33 health centres that serve 9 out of the 10 regions. Together with you, our program team supports kids with disabilities across the country.

We work with our partner’s local clinics to serve courageous kids with disabilities. These clinics are the grassroots level of care. Many kids can get the medical care they need at the clinic, but others need surgery. In that case, they’re referred to one of our partner hospitals where they’ll receive surgical care followed by rehabilitation, thanks to healinghugs supporters like you.

The rehabilitation kids receive depends on their specific disability. Sometimes rehabilitation needs to be done at the hospital or it can be done in a child’s community. Either way, we work closely with a child’s family to make sure kids get the services they need, where and when they need them.

Life Beyond Your Healing Hug

Even after a child’s healing hug is complete, our partner continues their work. Because of their close ties with schools specifically designed for children with visual or hearing impairments, our partner is able to connect many kids to schools so these kids can access education.

Your healing hug gives kids with disabilities life-changing medical care and the chance to dream about their future. Thanks to you, they can live longer, healthier, happier lives and become all that God created them to be.