Brighter futures filled with hope

More than half a million kids in Tanzania live with a disability. Hope and Healing International is committed to reaching as many of these kids as we can with your support – making sure these beautiful children get the medical care they need and a comforting bear to hug.

We believe that all kids deserve quality care. That’s why, together with our partner, we do outreach in communities and provide referrals to our partner’s rehabilitation centre in Moshi as well as the local hospital. Making sure kids and families understand that support exists for kids with disabilities can make a huge difference in a child’s life.

Serving Thousands Through Rehabilitation

Our partner’s incredible rehabilitation centre in Moshi, Tanzania serves thousands of clients every year. Parents of children with cerebral palsy (CP), spina bifida, hydrocephalus or limited mobility come to this clinic to receive training and education to learn how to best support their kids.

And on top of training, this centre provides assistive devices like custom-made CP chairs, walkers and wheelchairs that allow kids to sit straighter, walk better or go to school and church.

Your healing hug gives a child with a disability the medical treatment she or he needs to live a longer, healthier, happier life!