Edward Field
Edward was raised by two loving parents who set an example for serving God and joining in His work. His parents’ lives were centred around children – they ran an orphanage in Argentina and became teachers when they moved to Canada.
“They always had a heart for mission, and although they had two children, they considered the third child to be the charities they supported.”
Like them, Edward and his wife have a heart to serve children and a desire to join hands with God to make a lasting impact in their lives.
Edward spent 32 years as a teacher, and his wife taught for 40 years. Together, they’ve impacted the lives of hundreds of students, and they continue to be Jesus’ hands and feet through their giving to Hope and Healing International.
“My wife and I… decided to leave a percentage of our Will to charities. Although there are many charities we support, the consistent support we have given is to Christian charities.”
Hope and Healing is unashamedly and unapologetically Christian, to the glory of God. I like that.
Edward has been God’s faithful co-worker his whole life and a faithful donor to Hope and Healing for the last 26 years.
“I was impressed by the work. Even when it operated on a string budget, they didn’t back off on doing the mission… Working with children with a disability is a wonderful thing to do. There are always places of need.”
Edward has transformed the lives of hundreds of kids throughout his life. And by giving a legacy gift, he’s joining hands with God to impact even more kids in the years to come.
My wife had said that she wanted to have lots of children. We couldn’t. But we have 2 adult children, one through adoption. I reminded her, we have had lots of children through our teaching. Leaving a legacy is another way of doing this.
Will you consider leaving a legacy gift in your Will to Hope and Healing International, like Edward did? Your future gift could make an incredible difference in the lives of the world’s most vulnerable kids. You can request more information today.